Factors Effecting Entrepreneurial Intentions in Pakistan
Muhammd Asif , Prof.Muhammad Bilal Tariq , Rabia Mian , Zaman Haider ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 75-88 | Views: 826 | Downloads: 195 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441945
this is the time of economic crises faced by almost every country of the world. Therefore, all are in a race to overcome such crises and to establish a smooth economy. Western countries are very much successful in this mission with the help of their established systems. One of the tool which is undoubtedly indispensable for economic growth is entrepreneurial activities. Hence, it has established roots in developed countries but as far as developing countries are concerned they are still suffering to reach that place. Entrepreneurship is considered to be a strong contributor in economic growth of any country. The world has started to realize its importance and therefore adopting multiple new methodologies in order to enhance entrepreneurship. According to Drucker (2002), entrepreneurship is an act that can be learned from systematic analysis of opportunities prevalent in the environment through experiential learning
Enterpreneurial Intensions, Pakistan Industry
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