Factors Affecting Consumers Buying Behavior in Supermarkets
Prof.Rizwan Fareed , Prof.Muhammad Bilal Tariq , Rabia Mian , Naeem Ud din , Waqar Hassan ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 68-74 | Views: 907 | Downloads: 215 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441943
The present study was an effort to explore the factors affecting consumers buying behavior in supermarkets. Since the retail industry is developing and changing with the sharp move in shopping patterns and it is also observed shoppers are becoming more imperative for the retailers. Previous studies in Pakistani supermarkets considered only preferential attributes and conveniences but the present study investigates all the major factors affecting shoppers’ buying behavior including store association, awareness, perceived quality, conveniences, product assortments, employee’s services, perceived price with the mediation of store loyalty. Questionnaire was used for collecting the data from the 420 shoppers out of which 375 responses were usable with 89.29% response rate. The results of the study revealed that all these factors having significant positive relation with purchase intention with the mediation role of store loyalty. Furthermore, the results of the study can also be used as relevant guidelines for developing superstore formats. This study also suggests retailers, managers, entrepreneurs and business owners to consider these factors and their relationship with the purchase intention of consumers which h will affect the overall profitability of the business. Moreover the practical and theoretical implications of the study were also discussed for adding value in the existing body of knowledge
Consumer buying behavior, perceived quality, Perceived price, Store association, Store loyalty
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