Role, Challenges and Benefits of Electronic Banking service in Jordan


Basel J. A. Ali , Dr. Wan Ahmad Wan Omar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 43-46 | Views: 1174 | Downloads: 192 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441939

Volume 5 - December 2016 (12)


Electronic banking is a carrier that permits clients to access and carry out economic transactions on their financial institution debts from their web enabled computer systems with net connection to banks’ web sites any time 24 Hours. Jordan remains in the early levels of E Banking growth and development. Adjustments in technology and way of life in last the decades have modified the face of Banking. The most significant reason of this article is to explain the major issues and challenges inside the development in the on-line banking industry in Jordan


E-banking, challenges, Benefits of E bank and types of electronic banking


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