Market Development Strategies for Vietnamese Pepper in Foreign Markets


Tran Phi Hoang , Vo Huu Khanh , Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong , Nguyen Son Tung ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 15-24 | Views: 776 | Downloads: 199 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441933

Volume 5 - December 2016 (12)


The study results are to analyze the factors affecting market development strategies for Vietnamese pepper in foreign markets. The qualitative and quantitative research methods are performed to survey 109 managers and professionals working in the field of exporting pepper in Ho Chi Minh City and Vietnamese Highlands in workshops on solutions for Vietnamese pepper industry happening in 2016. The study results show that market development strategies for Vietnamese pepper influence by the following 04 elements: (1) Quality Management, (2) Trade Barriers (3) Supply Capacity, and (4) Promotional Policy. Based on study results, solutions are proposed to improve market development strategies for Vietnamese pepper in foreign markets in the future


Pepper, consumption, competitiveness, competitive strategy, quality management, and Vietnam



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