Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Community Participation in Community Projects Among the Residents Inpokot South Sub-County, Kenya


John Karamunya , DR. Patrick Simiyu Cheben ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 69-77 | Views: 759 | Downloads: 194 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441828

Volume 5 - November 2016 (11)


This paper aimed at assessing socio-cultural factors influence community participation in community projects among the residents in Pokot South Sub-County, Kenya. The questionnaire contained both structured and unstructured questions. The study employed Simple random sampling technique to select132households. Structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. The study identified that 91% of the respondents agreed that there were different forms of community projects and 81% of them had ever participated in the said forms. The study found that social cultural factors such as belief system, dependency ratio, rural urban migration and community resource and community governance hindered the participation their participation in community projects. The study recommends need to embrace the spirit of cultural assimilations and cultural changes as most of the contemporary societies are made up of different individuals having varied cultural backgrounds.


Community based organization, Belief System, Dependency ratio, Rural urban Migration, Community Resources and Community Governance


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