Effect of Leadership Style on Growth of National Government Constituency Development Fund Projects in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya


Reuben Ojiambo Wanyama , Dr. Elizabeth Makokha Nambuswa , Prof. Gregory Simiyu Namusonge (PhD) ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 59-68 | Views: 1281 | Downloads: 254 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441824

Volume 5 - November 2016 (11)


The main purpose of this study was to assess the effect of leadership style on growth of NGCDF projects in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. The study was informed by situational leadership and trait theories. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population was employees from 25 NGCDF projects in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. The study used random sampling to select a sample of 174employees. The researcher employed structured questionnaires as instruments of data collection. Reliability test of the instruments was done using Cronbach alpha coefficient. Multiple regression analysis was the appropriate method to examine the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable in this study. Multiple regression analysis was carried out to analyze the relationship between one dependent variable and five independent variables. The study’s outcome gives an insight to project administrators on how much impact the instituted change has on successful implementation of construction projects. Similarly the study is also of help to managers of institutions to gauge the development of their project management systems and assess the appropriate and strategic ways to employ for improvement of their institutions or organizations. The study also adds to the body of knowledge of project management


Team Work, Employee Motivation, Growth Of NGCDF Projects


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