Variability of Sweet Potato (Ipomea Batata L.) Varieties for Their Yield and Yield Components in South and South East Areas of Tigray Region, Ethiopia


Birhanu Amare , Fetien Abay , Yemane Tsehaye ,

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Volume 5 - September 2016 (09)


Seven sweet potato varieties were tested at three locations of southern and eastern zones of 2012 cropping season.  The objective of the study was to evaluate the yield and yield components of the varieties and the experiment was laid out in RCBD with three replications and in plot size of 4.2m x 2.4m. Net harvestable plot area was 7.2 m2 with inter and intra-row spacing of 0.60m and 0.30m respectively. Individual analyses of variance for the three locations indicated the existence of significant to highly significant (P < 0.01) genotype differences for all traits except vine length, above ground fresh biomass weight and stand count at harvest considered at Rarhe and Kukufto locations. In addition, vine length, unmarketable storage root number per plot and stand count at harvest were also showed non-significance genotype difference at Illala location. Similarly, the combined analysis of variance across locations showed significant variation among genotypes, locations and the interaction for all traits except vine length and above ground fresh biomass weight. Kukufto was the highest total root yielding location followed by Illala for almost all varieties but Rarhe yielded lowest. Varieties tulla, LO and kulfo had highest total root yield at Kukufto and Illala locations. Vitae gave above average root yield only at Rarhe but kabode, temesgen and bellela yielded lower and below average total roots at all locations.Based on the combined mean total root yield of locations and different yield evaluation methods, high yielding varieties were identified. Accordingly, LO and Tulla varieties gave highest root yield per unit area at all locations, followed by Kulfo. Therefore, these varieties can play a vital role in food self sufficiency and food security of Tigray region and they should be widely distributed to farmers of the testing locations and similar areas of the region


Genotypes (varieties), Location, Sweet potato


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