Effect of Financial Inadequacies on Infrastructural Finance
Mr. Kofi Kwarteng , Mr. John Nana Ekow Baiden , Mr. Ayariga Charles ,
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The term “infrastructure” evolved during the Second World War by Military strategists to indicate wide-ranging elements of war logistics. However, scholars claim many variable piggy back successful embankment of infrastructural project undertaking in Ghana. Amongst the few variable mentioned includes inadequate finance (Kehew et al., 2005). The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which the stated driving variable affects infrastructural finance in Ghana. This study was exploratory designed as a quantitative work. Purposive sampling was employed to select 200 respondents from the Ghana feeder roads department across two regions, both greater Accra and Ashanti. Aftermath of the study suggests that financial limitations have a significantly weak effect on Ghanaian infrastructural finance. This was justified statistically with a significant p-value of .02 < α=0.05 on an independent t-test table. The assertion connotes that the nation’s incapability to finance most infrastructures has nothing to do with scarcity of fund but other latent variables. The author hence suggests that posterity researchers’ offer relevant attention to scrutinize those hiding variable for perfect control to enable expedient national growth and development through infrastructural buildup.
Infrastructural Finance, Roads Construction, Financing Strategy
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