The Laboratory Performance of Cylindrical Chamber Trap


Mohamed S ISMAIL ,

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Volume 5 - July 2016 (07)


Sediments are considered as one of the main sources of pollution in stormwater runoff. A heavy rainstorm often carries a high sediments load with other associated pollutants (untreated pollutants) into stormwater drainage systems. As a result, this inlet has a very detrimental impact on receiving watercourses. This paper presents the performance of a stormwater scale model of cylindrical chamber trap (CCT) intended for sedimentation applications. Laboratory tests were conducted to establish the hydraulic characteristics (i.e. head loss) and trapping efficiency. The CCT model with 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15L/s flow rates were experimentally tested at Edith Cowan University. Data analysis proves that the head loss increases in proportion to flow rates. The trapping efficiency is inversely proportional to flow rates and particle sizes


Hydraulic Characteristics; Trapping Efficiency


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