An Investigation on Fruits Consumption among Children Under 5 Years: Evidence from Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality, Ghana


Nana Ama Boansi Boakye , Irene Darkwa , Mary McArthur-Floyd ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 19-29 | Views: 900 | Downloads: 213 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441728

Volume 5 - May 2016 (05)


Nutritionist and other health professionals have long recognized the importance of establishing healthful nutrition practices during childhood and early adolescence. Diet and exercise pattern adopted during these development years set the stage for lifelong habit that can mean the difference between vitality and infirmity in later years. This purpose of the study was to assess the consumption of fruits among children in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem municipality of Ghana. The study adopted a descripto-explanatory study design covering a stratified sample of 85 drawn from 165 parents/wards of children under five (5) years in the Takwa-Nsuaem Municipality, Ghana. A self–administered questionnaire was used to collect data. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics. The study achieved a response rate of 83.75%. From the findings, most of the respondents had knowledge on the health benefits of fruits and more than half of the respondents served fruits to their children in the form of cut, whole, juice and blended or mashed


Children under 5 years, fruit consumption, health, malnutrition, nutrition, stratified sampling


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