Evolution of Ideas with In the Business Strategy from Historical Perspective
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this paper investigated whether the historical ideas are useful for designing the business strategic and has examined how historical ideas could be helpful in designing new era of business strategic. Nowadays the relationship between historical ideas and modern business strategies has seen a good impact on production of the businesses. And we have seen that there is a huge competition among different business companies, especially Telecom and Computer industries of the world. It is also noted that, are historical ideas helpful for the new era business strategy? Whether the historical ideas are implemented on business strategies and modern business techniques? To find out at what extent historical ideas could helpful in designing new era business strategic. However, Emirates Telecommunications Corporation, purchased a 26% stake in PTCL and assumed management control of the company. Fixed-line subscriptions declined from a peak of 5.2 million in 2005-06 to 3.4 million in 2009-10.
historical ideas, designing the business strategic, modern business, competition
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