Threshold of Micro – Financing in Morocco


Malik Shahzad Shabbir ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 12-25 | Views: 842 | Downloads: 208 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441710

Volume 5 - March 2016 (03)


This study examines the historical portfolio of Micro – Finance in Morocco. The microfinance sector in Morocco relies on continued support from its Government through the legal framework. Their aim was to improve access for low-income micro entrepreneurs to financial services and help them to broaden their businesses, raise their income and increase employment. Moreover it was intended to strengthen the capacities of local associations to grant microcredit services. The ideal of microfinance was conceived as a process that seeks sustainability of its actions and synergy with all the policies of national and sectorial development. MFIs focused on individual and small business lending and could so increase loan sizes by 132 % between 2002 and 2008. Morocco seems to be aware of the importance of microfinance and puts a lot of effort into the development of the sector. The country’s success will depend on how it deals with future challenges. As long as the focus does not lie solely on profits, but accommodates sustainable growth and poor clients, Morocco will be able to continue its success story further.


 low-income micro entrepreneurs, portfolio, microcredit, financial services.


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