Global Monsoon Time Scale


Gangadhara Rao Irlapati ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-22 | Views: 878 | Downloads: 194 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441672

Volume 4 - December 2015 (12)


The global Monsoon Time Scale – a Chronological sequence of events arranged in between time and weather with the help of a scale for studying the past’s, present and future movements of monsoon of a country and its relationship with rainfall and other weather problem and natural calamities. Prepare the Global Monsoon Time Scale having 365 horizontal days from March 21st to next year March 20th of a required period comprising of a large time and weather have been taken and framed into a square graphic scale. The main weather events if any of the country have been entering on the scale as per date and month of the each and every year. If we have been managing the scale of a country in this manner continuously, we can study the past, present and future movements of monsoon of a country. We can make separate monsoon time scales per each and every individual country


Moonsoon, Time scale 


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