Method for the Determination of Captopril in Bulk, Pharmaceutical Formulations and Serum by HPLC using two different System.
Safila Naveed , Najma Sultana , M.Saeed Arayne ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 08-14 | Views: 1010 | Downloads: 242 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3407999
A simple reversed phase HPLC method have been successfully developed and validated for the quantitative determination of captopril (CAP) in bulk material, pharmaceutical formulation and serum. Purospher Start C18 (250cm x 4.6mm, 5μm) and Hypersil ODS C18 (150×4.6mm, 5micron) columns were used. The mobile phase, (methanol-water 50:50(v/v) pH 3.0 adjusted by phosphoric acid), was delivered at a flow rate of 1mLmin-1, eluent was monitored using UV detector at 215, 220, 225 nm. The proposed method is specific, accurate (99-102%), precise (intra-day variation 0.04-0.98 % and inter-day variation 0.06-1.5%) and linearity (R2>0.999) within the desired range 1.25-50 μgmL-1 concentration. The detection limit and quantification limit was 2.0 ngmL-1 and 8.0 ngmL-1 respectively. The anticipated method is applicable to routine analysis of CAP in pharmaceutical formulations as well as in human serum samples.
Captopril, HPLC, Serum
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