“Skipping Examinations”: Exploring students’ Experiences in the Zimbabwe Open University in Manicaland Province- Zimbabwe
Chiinze, Maxwell M , Chiparange, Gertrude V , Bizamare, Samson ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-06 | Views: 816 | Downloads: 207 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3413455
Student absenteeism from examinations is a major concern at institutions of higher learning in general but at Open and Distance Learning institutions it brings a lot into question. The aim of this study was to explore students’ experiences as to why they skip examinations in the Zimbabwe Open University. The study also examined the implications of student absenteeism to administration and organization of the institution. The study adopted the survey design as the strategy for data gathering. Data were collected by the use of both a questionnaire and interview with some open-ended and some closed questions. The sample comprised 25 students who had skipped examinations at some point and the researchers used a purposive sampling procedure to select only those satisfying this category. The study revealed that absenteeism from examinations was rampant due to reasons such as lack of preparedness; lack of full learning packages; failure to attend tutorials; work commitment; poor teaching strategies and domestic responsibilities. The study recommended that the university fully address these shortcomings to ensure students will not transfer blame on to the institution
examinations absenteeism experiences reasons unpreparedness survey
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