Health Programmes in Nigeria: An Analysis of Science Students’ Perception of Sanitation Skills
J.A.Opara , Anthonia U. Ejifugha , Ozioma C. Azubuike ,
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Health is considered as one of the fundamental human values. The study was on science students’ perception of acquisition of environmental sanitation skills among adolescents in Imo State through the school health programme. Six research questions and five hypotheses guided the study. The descriptive research design was used for the study. Using the multi- stage sampling technique, 565 students were sampled for the study. Historically personal health runs concurrently with environmental health. These covered water pollution, disposal of human waste, food handing, and environmental cleanliness. Acquisition of environmental health skills among adolescents is the main thrust of this paper. Just as life skills is a recent development in education literatures so also skill based health education is a recent development in World Health Organization’s literature (Federal Ministry of Education, 2006). Acquisition of health skills is focused on the content areas of health education one of which is environmental sanitation
Health, Health in Nigeria, Science, Sanitation Skills
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