The Effect of Training and Development Programmes on the Performance of Employees –A Case Study of United Bank for Africa (1997 – 2012)


Hassan, Olanrewaju Makinde ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 06-35 | Views: 736 | Downloads: 168 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3413048

Volume 3 - May 2014 (04)


The study examines the effect of training and development programme on the performance of employees in United Bank for Africa Plc. The study is timely because of the persistent complaint over dwindling performance of employees in the banking sector and this has been attributed to lack of effective training and development. Corporate Organizations now realized the need for their employees to undergo training and development to be able to cope with modern work challenges and perform excellently in line with global best practice; as it has been generally assumed that lack of proper training and development programme is responsible for employees’ inefficiency and low performances. The main source of data is primary source which include personal interview and questionnaire used to elicit workers’ responses on training and development issues. The study recommends that training and development programme should be carried out on a continuous basis for all categories of staff. The sampling procedure used is probability random sampling because UBA is a very big organization with the Chi-Square analysis used to test the hypotheses.  The Study revealed that training has become increasingly popular as a human resource tool for improving employee and managerial performance in any Organization. This account for the reason why most Organizations today spend a large chunk of their revenue on training and development. The study revealed that there exist a significant relationship between training and development and the performance of employees of UBA Plc.


Training, Development, Performance, Global best practice, Human Resource tool, Sampling Procedure.


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