Recoganizing Customer Complaint Behavior in a Restau-Rant


Mehwish Shahid ,

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Volume 2 - February 2013 (02)


Customer complaining behavior (CCB) which deals with analysis of all the aspects involved in the customers reactions towards a product or a service failure. Customer satisfaction, dissatisfaction and complaint behavior are highly correlated and obvious sub-jects which are investigated by customer studies and marketing. Now a days,at the origin of these studies we can considered the real marketing problems. The purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of attitude, loyalty and politeness on customer com-plaining behavior in a resturent.A questionnaire was designed by using scales to see the reactions of defendants. Adults filled One hundred and fifty questionnaires and regression was used to scrutinize the relation between attitude, loyalty, politeness and their complaining behavior. The results shows that complaint and complaining behavior has a positive correlation and customer loyal-ty is meaningfully allied with customer complaining behavior. Customer complaining behavior is directly affected by attitude. Moreover, the use of voice and third-party action as complaining behavior decreases as the drift of politeness increases and the use of private action uncorrelated with the drift to be polite. According to the results, managers should focus on customer's atti-tude and positive politeness through which complaining behavior can be decreased


Attitude, Politeness, Loyalty, Private actions, Voice response, Negative word of mouth, Complaint


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