Familiar settings and culture in the texts make English language learning an easy task: A case of intermediate students


Sumara Hina , Abdur Rehman Tariq , Hafiz Ahmad Bilal , Inam Elahi , Malik Zafar Iqbal ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 11-16 | Views: 1124 | Downloads: 244 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3412516

Volume 2 - December 2013 (12)


Since the indigenous translated literature was included at the intermediate level, the students feel at home while reading them. While studying the native English writers, most of them are not at ease as foreign culture portrayed in those texts serves as a hindrance in the way of comprehension. Consequently, they may get fed up with the English Language. The purpose of this study is to explore the difference of understanding of the foreign and translated text with familiar setting and culture and to probe if the local translated texts serve the purpose of teaching English better than foreign texts written by native English writers. The data will be collected from a class of Intermediate Part I in a private college at Jauharabad Dist. Khushab. There will be a sample of about 20 students. Questionnaire will be set to collect the data that will be analyzed to conclude a result. The study is significant in the way that it may put forward some very practical and effective suggestions for redesigning the syllabus of English based on the opinion of students and teachers.


indigenous translated literature, foreign text, questionnaire


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