Designing and Managing the Tourists Information Centers in Iran Tourism Industry


Teymouri, W. ,

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Volume 2 - December 2013 (12)


The Tourists Information Centers (TICs), as one of the major components of information provision and dissemination system, play an important role in fulfilling the information needs of tourists as well as in introducing and promoting the tourism potential and attractions of a tourism destination. The present paper aimed at presenting a practical model for designing and managing of TICs, studying at the same time their existing situation as well as their increasing role in Iran tourism industry. This was the first attempt to study the subject within a systematic and professional network. The method that the research enjoyed was: from objective view, applied, from the data type: quantitative, from the method of data collection: descriptive from correlation type, and the method of implementation: survey. The results of the study showed that there was a meaningful difference between the current situation of TICs in Iran tourism industry and the optimal standard at the moment. To bridge the existing gap the implementation strategies were devised and put forward.


 Information in tourism, Tourists Information Centers, Iran Tourism Houses, Korea tourism industry.


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