The Importance of Research Methodology To Research Study In the field of Management Sciences;A Case Study of Kogi State University Anyigba
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Volume 2 - September 2013 (09)
The use of research methodology in modern research study by different fields of study today cannot be over emphasised. This study looks at its to the field of management sciences. The study made use of primary data sourced from 220 research students of Management sciences faculty in Kogi State University, Anyigba through administering of questionnaire. Their responses were tested using appropriate statistical tools like the simple percentage and the Chi-square research techniques; our study revealed that research methodology is relevant to researches done in the Management sciences in order to come up with quality researches. Therefore, the study recommended that the teaching of research methodology be greatly encouraged amongst the students and also constant training and retraining be conducted among the lecturers to enhance proper teaching of the course as well.
Importance, Research Methodology, Management sciences
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