Shortest Path Algorithm for Transportation Networks, Case Study: Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly
Jonathan Annan , N.F Darquah , K. Baah Gyamfi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 66-73 | Views: 886 | Downloads: 196 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3411878
In a metropolis such as Kumasi, the transport network is massive, dynamic, and complicated. Route finding is not an easy task, especially when routes comprise several modes. This problem is even more important for e-tourism tourists, security services and moving workforces, who may need to visit unfamiliar parts of the metropolis. In this research paper, we present shortest path algorithm for transportation networks, of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA). User friendly extension of ArcGIS and Visual Basic Dot Net with Dijkstra’s algorithm was used to provide the shortest path from one node to the other.
ArcGIS Network Analyst, Shortest path, Dijkstra’s algorithm and VB. Net
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