Religiosity and Fear of Death among the Christian Community Case study of Mandi Bahauddin District in the Punjab province of Pakistan


Dr. Anwaar Mohyuddin , Mohammad Hamza ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 32-43 | Views: 764 | Downloads: 182 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408230

Volume 2 - August 2013 (08)


Aim to conduct this study is to find the Attitude of Christian towards Death. It is observed that elderly population has more concerned to death due to their increasing age. Researcher used Primary data (N = 100) to investigate the relation between religiosity and fear of death. Researcher used simple random sampling technique to select his sample. Data collection was conducted in district Mandi Bahauddin. Non-parametric Statistical technique was used by selecting One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and along with Pearson Correlation. It was found that there is a positive relationship between religiosity and fear of death. Christian elderly who were not keen toward their religious practices and tend toward more material persuading, feared death less than individuals who scored high on religiousness. Fear of death also characterized participants who lacked congruence between belief in an afterlife and religious practices. Firmness and consistency of beliefs and practices, rather than weak religiousness, buffers more against fear of death in old age. Rituals play an important role to charge an individual spiritually which helps him/her to cope with fear of death along with other psychological fears but a religious person thinks more about death and life after death.


religion, aging, death, fear, health attitude, behaviour


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