English as a Lingua franca:a threat to urdu


Hafiz Ahmed bilal , Sarah Aslam , Abdur Rauf Awan , Muhammad Shahid Imran , Zunaira zafar , Khalid Masood ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 11-15 | Views: 973 | Downloads: 233 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408225

Volume 2 - August 2013 (08)


In this paper I put forward the assumption that English language as a lingua franca is not endangering Urdu in Pakistan. Colonization played a vital role to sow the seeds of English and even after the departure of colonizers it exists. I argue the proposition by emphasizing Urdu as our national identity and a binding agent embracing all provinces in its lap. English is helplessly trying to blur the face of Urdu for the last sixty six years. Its a hanging sword on our culture that has shaken our national faith. Consequently giving birth to unrest, Chaos, demoralization and instability, but remained simply unable to uproot Urdu as a mode of national and cultural integrity from our country. Qualitative methodology would be applied by the researcher. As a researcher I am of the opinion to improvise English as optional curricula after matriculation and make Urdu compulsory till degree level.


English to Urdu, Linjua, 


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