Smokeless Tobacco & Peripheral Vascular Diseases


Dr. Anil K. Sahni ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 06-10 | Views: 770 | Downloads: 181 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408223

Volume 2 - August 2013 (08)


INTRODUCTION : India Especially The Eastern Part Being Amongst The Regions Of Globe, With High Prevalence Use Of Differently Available SmokeLess Tobacco Preparations(Chewing Tobacco, Gutkha…)Alone Or Concomittantly With Various Smoke Tobacco Alternatives(Bidis,Cigarettes, Hukha…). The Authenticated Status Of Smoking As One Of The Important Aetio-Pathogenesis Factor For The OtherWise Comparatively Obscured Aetiology Of Peripheral Vascular Diseases(PVD),PAD With Especial Emphasis Upon Thrombo-Angitis-Obliterans(TAO), Is Well Documented In Medical Literature. AIMS/OBJECTIVES : An Attempt Towards Studying The SmokeLess Tobacco Tissue Reactions, In Regards To Aetio-Pathogenesis Of PVD Especially TAO, Colloborating Extensively Reported Oral Pathology… Manifestations Due To Presence Of NitrosaAmines & Various Other Chemicals. METHODS : Based Upon Clinico-Investigatory Comparative Statistical Analysis Of PVD (Esp.TAO) Patients, By Assessment Parametres: 1.Clinical History;-Use Of Tobacco;Smoke,SmokeLess, Either, Both, Quantity & Duration Etc. -Simultaneous Use Of Alcohol, Other Intoxicants(Cannabis Etc.) Details -Trauma,Associated Medical Illnesses, Risk Factors; CNS,CVS,Resp.,Diabetes Affections Stress, Hyperlipedaemia,Coagulopathies,Connective Tissue Disorders, Varicose Disease, LymthOedema, Peridntal Diseases,Family H/O, Medications Use Especially Chemo-Hormonal … & Others. - Sup./Inf.Extremity, U/L,B/L 2.Laboratory Investigations;BT, CT, PT, Platelet Count, PTK,APTK,INR … Diabetes, Lipid Profile,Cardiac;Hepatic Enzymes---. Autoimmune screen (ESR, RF, ANA) 3. Radio-Diagnosis:Colored Doppler’s Vascular Flow, Status- - -. ECG,Echo-Cardiography,AngioGraphy ? Selective… & Other Recently Available Scans, Nuclear Medicine Studies. RESULTS : SmokeLess Tobacco Use Of Differently AvailAble Preps, In Variable Quantity & Duration, Alone Or In Combination With Smoking, Alcohol, Cannabis & Other Intoxicants, With Other Positive Assessment Parametres, Exhibits Direct Proportionate Relation To Diseases Prevalence, Incidence, Severity & OverAll ManageMent Result OutComes Definite Demarcation Of Different Tobacco Preps Towards Incidence, Severity Is NoticeAble, But All Of Them Have Synergism Towards Aetio-Pathogenesis,Severity, Tt.Results , Depending Upon Nicotine Level Patho-Physiology;Major Histocompatibility Complex, Specifically HLA-A9, -B5, -DR4 And DRw6;Immune Mechanisms;CollagenI&III Involvement. Presence Of Cardio-Vascular & Other Debilitating Diseases Have Significantly Demonstrable Escalating Precipitation Of PVD(PAD). CONCLUSION : The Comparative Evaluatory Statististical Analysis Study Of PVD(Esp.TAO) Pts., Based Upon Clinico-Investigatory ParaMetres, ReAffirms The “Decisive Determinant Status” Of SmokeLess Tobacco Tissue Reactions, In Aetio-Pathogenesis, ManageMent Of These Diseases Complex Syndrome.


Smokeless, Vascular Diseases


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