Language Is a System of Social and Mental Slavery: A Case of Challenge for Individuals


Sumara Hina , Farzana Kouser ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 08-10 | Views: 856 | Downloads: 199 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3455982

Volume 7 - August 2018 (08)


Since the birth of man, language is social and mental slavery which is a challenge for individuals. The purpose of this study is to explore the cognitive and social hold on an individual’s language because both are a powerful factor to learn a language individually. Ideology serves the purpose of learning Ideas, beliefs, moral and cultural ideas which effect on an individual’s language. The data will be collected from a class of language learning in University at Dist. Lahore. There will be a sample of about 30 students. The questionnaire will be set to collect the data that will be analyzed to conclude a result. The study is significant in the way that it may put forward some very practical and effective suggestions for learning a language individually based on the opinion of students and teachers


Individuals, mental and social slavery, language learning challenge. 


i.        Althusser, Louis, 1969, for Marx, tr, Ben Brewster ( London New Left Books).

ii.      Catherine Belsey, Research Professor in the English University of Wales, Swansea, Critical Practice, Saussure, and Structuralism.

iii.    An Introductory Textbook of Linguistics and Phonetics by Late Dr. Radhey L. Varshney. 

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