Determinants of Individual Short-Term Investment Decisions: The Moderating Effect of Investors’ Personal Quality in Nairobi Securities Exchange
Kabete,Paul Muturi , Kipkirong, Daniel Tarus ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 20-27 | Views: 1166 | Downloads: 277 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3455976
This study aimed at identifying the determinants of individual short-term investment decisions and the moderating effect of investor characteristics in the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE)
The questionnaire was used to obtain data pertaining to the model's constructs. A multiple regression equation models tested the hypotheses. The study employed an explanatory research design to identify the determinants of individual short term investment decisions and the moderating effect of investor characteristics. Behavioral Finance Theory guided the study. The target population was individual investors in the member firms of the NSE. Stratified random sampling and systematic random sampling techniques were used to select firms and the respondents respectively. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. A multiple regression equation models tested the hypotheses.
Findings indicated that accounting information and personal financial needs had a positive effect on individual short-term investment decisions. Moderated regression model indicated that under higher education, accounting information positively determined individual short-term investment decision. Under high investor experiences, accounting information negatively affects individual short-term investment decision. In addition, the higher the investor’s age, the more personal financial needs will determine individual short-term investment decision, while accounting information negatively affect individual short-term investment decision.
Research Limitations/Implications
The study was only limited to determinants of investment behavior and their relative importance in shaping the behavior of individual investors. Thus, other studies should be carried out to determine other factors that affect investment such as expected return from investments, the cost of capital in terms of interest rate, the taxation of returns and the availability of savings to meet investments.
Practical Implications
The growth of the related financial services sector has extensively contributed towards the deepening of the stock market. It should be appreciated that in as much as an economy can have savings, there is usually a lack of established mechanisms for channeling those savings into activities that create wealth. The establishment of an efficient securities market is therefore indispensable for any economy that is keen on using scarce capital resources to achieve economic growth
Social Implications
The very fact that institutions exist where savers can safely invest their money and in addition earn a return is an incentive to investors to consume less and save more. Education, age, and experience of the investors are the areas which can improve these intentions.
Individual Short-Term Investment Decisions, Investor Personal Characteristics, Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya this
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