Personality Traits as Determinants of Burnout among Nurses - A correlational study
Zainab Hamid , Dr. Shawkat Ahmad Shah ,
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Background: The conditions of uncertainty and disempowerment at hospitals with high organizational demands threaten both physical and emotional wellbeing of nurses which in turn may contribute to burnout and disengagement or withdrawal of nurses from their organizations. At the same time their roleindelivering the servicestothesociety haspromptedtheexpertstodiscuss,debate,andexaminethe multitudeofpractices tomake them moreproductive
Objectives: The present study was carried out with the main objective of understanding the relation of personality traits with burnout among nurses andto identify significant personality traits that determineburnout among them
Design and methods: A quantitative and correlational research design was adopted and the settings included hospitals/nursing homes of J&K, India. The participants included the 300nurseshaving at least two yearsof workingexperience and selected/engaged bytheauthoritieson substantive basis.Standardised tools were used to collect the data, Pearson’s product moment correlation method and regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses.
Results: Results revealed that openness to experience (r =-0.126, P value 0.05); conscientiousness(r =-0.317, P value 0.01);extraversion (r =-0.246, P value 0.01); agreeableness (r =-0.437, P value 0.01) and emotional stability(r =-0.268, P value 0.01) have significant negative correlation with burnout as indicated by significant r values. A regression analysis revealed that among the five personality traits, only conscientiousness(β=-0.159), agreeableness(β=-0.34) and emotional stability(β=-0.132) significantly determineburnout among the nurses.
Agreeableness,Burnout,Nurses, Personalitytraits.
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