Role of Supplier Relationship Management on Supply Chain Performance in Devolved System of Government in Kenya
Daniel Lekatoo Parmeteu , Dr. Noor Ismail ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 23-32 | Views: 1245 | Downloads: 273 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3455930
the study proposes to assess the role of supplier relationship management on supply chain performance in Kenya with reference to the devolved system of Government as a case of Kajiado County Government. The research used descriptive research method. The population comprised 620 employees of Kajiado County Government. The research used a sample size of 86 employees drawn from the various departments; operations, procurement, inventory and ICT. Data were collected and analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches. Data from closed and open-ended questions in the questionnaire were coded and entered into the computer using statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 20. The study used ANOVA to test the level of significance of the variables on the dependent variable at 95% level of significance. The findings have shown that supplier development does not have a significant effect on supply chain performance, β1 = 0.147, p = 0.188, enhancing trust-based relationship has an enhancing effect on supply chain performance, β2 = 0.206, p = 0.017, There is need to enhance the aspect of supplier development, enhance the cultivation of long-term relationships in order to build a niche of suppliers who can effectively deliver on the needs of the County governments, encourage cooperation, communication and overall functionality among suppliers as they serve the County government
Supply Chain Performance, Devolved System, Government, Trust-Based Relationship, Supplier Development
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