Quality of Life among the Students of Gujranwala Medical College, Gujranwala
Dr. Marriam Liaquat , Dr. Hina Arshad , Dr. Farah Humera ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 28-33 | Views: 1351 | Downloads: 238 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3446070
Background and Definition: Quality of life is defined as one’s subjective perception of one’s own well-being, within one’s socio-cultural context or as the satisfaction of desires and pleasures and the accomplishments of the ideal of perception [1]
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study design was conducted at GUJRANWALA MEDICAL COLLEGE, GUJRANWALA. A total of 100 students were chosen through Random Sampling in which 20 students belonged to each class .A Quality of life-based questionnaire was used, and analysis was done
RESULTS: There were just 1% students who think that they have a very poor quality of life, 57% think that they have a good quality of life and 29% have a very good quality of life. 12% are of the view that their quality of life is neither good nor poor
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that majority of the medical students have a good Quality of life. A small number of them have a very good Quality of life, while a negligible number of them have a poor or very poor quality of life .Students are especially more satisfied with their physical health when compared with other domains .Majority of them rarely have feelings of anxiety ,depression, and despair
Gujranwala , Quality Of Life ,Medical Students
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