Measuring Satisfaction of Customers Regarding Islamic Financing of Meezan Bank Limited


Shazila Andleeb ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 22-31 | Views: 944 | Downloads: 238 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3446031

Volume 7 - March 2018 (03)


PURPOSE: The purpose of this research paper is to examine analyzing and outlining the customer satisfaction level with regards to their perception about the Islamic banking system. The main purpose is to eliminate the problem related to banking industry and to determine its rights and duties to satisfy customers.

DESIGN OR METHODOLOGY: This paper is set out according to the principle instruments and designed fior measuring the customer satisfaction for Islamic banking and its related bodies. The analysis of the islamic system is basically organized on the basis of banking system for measuring customers towards Islamic banking system and its shariah complaint rules and regulations.

FINDINGS: All across the rights for customers is being considered as a lawful and constitutional concerned nationally and internationally. The findings also suggest the significance of customer rights and the conceptual frame work for measuring  human rights effect the implementation. The paradiagm of this research and its  rights are effectively translated into developed banking system for increasing Islamic industry for banking as a whole.
RESULTS:. Primary data are collected through survey, questionnaire and observation and secondary data are collected through  books , articles , research papers , journals , literature , published material , other sources , print media article collection , magazines , newspapers , published electronic services , e-journals , websites , weblogs , unpublished general records , government records health education and census data , public and private sector records and retrospective information.
CONCLUSION: In short the conclusion is that the wave of market economy downturn has a greater strength into its own self financially and the research study proofs that conducting the research study is crucial and beneficial towards the societal developmental factors like customer satisfying measurements.
The required research is not enough for the measuring the customer satisfaction as a whole or specifically the example of effectiveness about the rights of customers and their satisfaction regarding Islamic banking system


Customer, Satisfaction, Rights, Banking


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