Effects of Computerized Financial System on Financial Performance of Public Companies


Felix Koskei Kemei , Evans Mweberi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 29-38 | Views: 821 | Downloads: 268 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445975

Volume 7 - February 2018 (02)


The main purpose of the paper was to establish the effect of the computerized financial system on financial performance of parastatals. The study adopted descriptive survey design. This study is based on the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology UTAUT. The study took a census of 118 Parastatal found in Nairobi town. Data were collected using questionnaires. The data to be collected was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings showed that Perceived usefulness, the Competent computerized financial system had a significant positive effect on financial performance. However, the Perceived cost had a significant negative effect on financial performance. Therefore, in order for firms to complete their auditing tasks more quickly, they need to embrace the use of the computerized financial system


Computerized Financial System, Financial Performance, Perceived Usefulness, Competent Computerized Financial System, Perceived Cost 


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