Review of Previous Literature of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Factors Affecting Employees Performance
Maysoon Shafeeq Ahmad Alremawi , Abdul Malek Bin A Tambi , Abdul Aziz Abdullah ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 24-28 | Views: 1100 | Downloads: 341 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445973
This study aimed to assess the effects of occupational safety and health (OSH), risk assessment, training and education on the performance of the organization in a case study. The study focused on investigating OSH, risk assessment, training and education on the job performance and satisfaction of employees. It also identified the challenges that influence OSH programs implementation in the workplace. The paper conducted a review of prior studies dedicated to these variables to provide insight into the relationships among them and recommended how to enhance employee performance in organizations
OSH, risk assessment, training and education, satisfaction, performance
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