Regional Linkage Investigation in Tourism Development The Case of Northwest in Vietnam
Manh Dung Tran , Prof Thi Van Hoa Tran Vu Hiep Hoang , Prof Van Hoa Hoang ,
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This research is conducted for investigating the facts of regional linkages in tourism development in the area of Northwest of Vietnam. Primary data were collected from government tourism management officers, staffs working at the tourism resort, researchers, and tourists in Northwest of Vietnam. In-depth interview approach has also been employed with tourism professionals and foreign & local travelers. The results show that most of the linkage projects are still mostly affiliate advertising; tourism-related projects have not yet designed a linkage between tourism; some provinces have not focused on developing regional and suburban tourist products; funding for tourism promotion is still substantially limited; joint programs have not yet developed mechanisms and policies for inter-regional. Based on the findings, policies for regional and sub-regional linkages in the Northwest are given for improving the linkages of tourism in and among provinces in the Northwest of Vietnam.
Northwest, Vietnam tourism linkage, tourism linkage
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