Differences of Financial Statement Presentation of FDI Firms under Vietnamese Accounting and International Accounting
Duc Tai Do , Manh Dung Tran , Thi Ngoc Lan Nguyen ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 47-57 | Views: 1641 | Downloads: 390 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445908
this study is conducted to investigate the differences of financial statement presentation of FDI firms under Vietnamese Accounting and International Accounting (IAS/IFRS). Data were collected by conducting survey of FDI firms, independent audit firms from 2015 to 2017. Descriptive analysis and T-test have been employed for measuring the differences among items presentation of financial statements under Vietnamese accounting and international accounting. The result shows that there is a significant difference of presentation in the financial statements of FDI firms under Vietnamese accounting and international accounting. Based on the results, some suggestions have been given for reducing the gap between Vietnamese accounting and international accounting, including financial statements.
Vietnamese Accounting, International Accounting, Financial statements
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