ADB and Climate Change: Correct Analysis – Wrong Remedy


Jan-Erik Lane ,

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Volume 6 - December 2017 (12)


The Asian Development Bank has in 2015 published a major investigation into the consequences of climate change for South East Asia. It is most read worthy, making hard and dismal projections for these economic miracles. But its suggested remedy – carbon sequestration –is not acceptable. The South East Asian economies should move to solar power and electrical vehicles. South East Asia must comply with the COP21 Treaty and start its implementation now. No time for politicking in the UN any longer (Conca, 2015; Vogler, 2016)!


ADB, decarbonisation, climate change, solar power, CO2 – temperature rise


                        i.            Asian Development Bank (2015) Southeast Asia and the economics of global climate stabilization. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank,

      ii.            Conka, K. (2015) Un Unfinished Foundation. The United Nations and Global Environmental Governance. Oxford: OUP.

    iii.            Dutta, P.L. (1999) Strategies and games. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

     iv.            Kaya, Y., and Yokoburi, K. (1997) Environment, energy, and economy: Strategies for sustainability. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.


       v.            Myhre, G., Highwood, E.J., Shine, K.P. and Stordal, F. (1998) "New estimates of radiative forcing due to well mixed greenhouse gases", in Geophysics Research Letters, Volume 25, Issue 14: 2715–2718

     vi.            Ostrom, E. (1990) Governing the Commons. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P.

   vii.            Pressman, J. and Wildavsky, A. (1973, 1984) Implementation. Berkeley: University of California Press.

 viii.            Sachs, J.D. (2015) The Age of Sustainable Development. New York: Columbia University Press.

     ix.            Stern, N. (2007) The Economics of Climate Change. Oxford: OUP.

       x.            Stern, N. (2015) What are we waiting for? Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


                        xi.            Vogler, J. (2016) Climate Change in World Politics.  Basingstoke: MacmillanPalgrave

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