Impact of Key Performance Indicator on Systematic Risk! an Empirica! Analysis of Cement Industry
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The risk factor exposure is highly admirable in academic as well as applied perspective. The purpose of this research is to identifying the relationship between key performance indicators (KPI’s) and systematic risk. The methodology has been applied on Cement sector. To test the hypothesis of study, panel data has been used in this research pertains to the period form 2005-2015. The panel data was available from literature and hence panel test (Fixed effect, Random effect and Haussmann test) was applied which showed that most of the KPI’s have a significant relationship with systematic risk (Beta). On the basis of findings of the study, it may be concluded that, systematic risk of the studied sector is prone to be affected by the variations in corporate financial decisions. The findings are very fruitful for investor, CEO, BoD and financial policy makers to maximize the return by decreasing the systematic risk factor.
Systematic Risk, KPI’s, Cement Sector, Pakistan Stock Exchange
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