Volume 9 - Issue October 2020
Design a DC to DC Boost Converter and Analysis the Performance of Converter in MATLAB
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4249760
Author(s): Diponkar Kundu , Md. Hafizur Rahman ,
Pages: 01-06 Views: 655 Downloads: 173
Study Various Methods and Use Wavelet Transform for Fault Detection and Classification of Underground Transmission Line by Using MATLAB
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4249766
Author(s): Diponkar Kundu , Md. Zamilis Siam ,
Pages: 07-13 Views: 624 Downloads: 171
Uric Acid Lowering to Prevent Kidney Function Loss in Diabetes: PERL Allopurinoal Study
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4260639
Author(s): Dr Mujtaba Ali Hasnain , Dr Zubair Anwar , Dr Abdul Rehman ,
Pages: 14-17 Views: 633 Downloads: 165
The Governments Capital Expenditure: A View from Central Government and Local Government in Indonesia
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4260665
Author(s): Mas Nur Mukmin , Indra Cahya Kusuma , Farizka Susandra ,
Pages: 18-23 Views: 700 Downloads: 193
An Exploration of the Downfall of Jute Industry with Perspective of Knowledge Management: A Case Study of Sindh, Pakistan
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4260693
Author(s): Ghazala Panhwar , Dr Iffat Batool Naqvi , Ms Mahvish Khaskhely , Ms Raeesa rashdi ,
Pages: 24-34 Views: 642 Downloads: 171
Factors Affecting Teacher Evaluation in Higher Education Institutions: A Citation Analysis
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4260719
Author(s): Ms Raeesa Rashdi , Ms Mahvish Khaskhely , Ghazala Panhwar ,
Pages: 35-49 Views: 688 Downloads: 188
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model Towards Awareness of e- Learning Through Massive Open Online Course: An Empirical Study.
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4260739
Author(s): Mubeena Qamar , Ms Mahvish Khaskhely , Mr. Waqar Ahmed Sethar , Ms. Iffat Batool ,
Pages: 50-57 Views: 832 Downloads: 194
Interactions Eucalyptus Oil with the Hcov-229E as New Potential Anti-Coronavirus: Molecular Docking Studies
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4260771
Author(s): Mario Rowan Sohilait , Charlie Ester de Fretes ,
Pages: 58-63 Views: 651 Downloads: 184
The Application of E-Pbb Public Service Innovations in the Lamongan Revenue Service Department and the Obstacle Factors
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4260787
Author(s): Ika Devy Pramudiana , Sumartono , Tjahjanulin , Bambang Santoso Haryono ,
Pages: 64-69 Views: 597 Downloads: 172