Volume 2 - Issue March 2013

Lactic acid Production by a Mixed Culture of Lactic Bacteria based on Low Value Dates Syrup

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3407991

Author(s): Djilali Bouhadi , Bouziane Abouni , Ahmed Hariri , Kada Ibri , Nawel Ouis , Fatima Sahnouni ,

Pages: 01-07 Views: 990 Downloads: 251

Method for the Determination of Captopril in Bulk, Pharmaceutical Formulations and Serum by HPLC using two different System.

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3407999

Author(s): Safila Naveed , Najma Sultana , M.Saeed Arayne ,

Pages: 08-14 Views: 1011 Downloads: 242

Similarity of Helicobacter pylori isolated from drinking water and peptic ulcer patients.

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408009

Author(s): A.A.AL-Sulami , A.A.AL-Abdula , T.A.A.AL-Edani ,

Pages: 15-21 Views: 1061 Downloads: 262