Open-Access-Monthly-Online-Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal

The American based Research Journal ISSN (2304-7151) is a refereed, open-access, online and monthly journal that is published by American Society for Business and Management Research. The journal endeavors to provide forum for researchers, practitioners, students, resource person and other academicians who are interested in the discussion of current and future issues and challenges impacting the field of Management and Administrative Sciences with an emphasis on boundary less efforts from all over the world. We adopt double blind peer review policy in which both authors and reviewers are kept anonymous to each other so as to maintain the high technical and quality standards as required by the researchers’ community these days.


Accounting & Finance

  • Financial Management
  • Financial and Management Accounting
  • Corporate Finance
  • Banking and Finance
  • Portfolio Management
  • Risk and Diversification
  • Financial Studies and Markets
  • Money Markets and Theories
  • Economics
  • Micro and Macro Economics
  • Financial Reporting & Analysis
  • Decision Analysis
  • Commercial Banking
  • Fundamentals of Income Tax
  • Investments (Options, Futures, Forwards & Swaps)
  • Islamic Banking

Business and Management

  • Business Administration
  • Public Administration
  • Enterprises Recourse Management
  • Business Ethics
  • Managerial Communication
  • Managerial Economics
  • Marketing Management
  • Operations Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Alternative Management
  • Business Law and Corporate Governance
  • Business to Business
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Advertising and Promotions Management
  • Brand Management
  • Channel & Sales Force Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Microeconomics of Competitiveness
  • Strategic Agribusiness Management


  • Consumer Behavior & Marketing Research
  • International Marketing
  • Principle Marketing
  • Brand Marketing
  • Strategic Marketing


  • Training and Development
  • Organizations Behavior
  • Human Resource
  • Resource Development
  • Employees Behavior
  • Human Practices

 Technology & E-Business

  • Data  Structure and Algorithms
  • Data retrieval
  • Digital signal processing theory
  • Distributed Sensor Networks
  • E-Business, E-Commerce
  • E-Government
  • Embedded Computer System
  • Information indexing and retrieval
  • Information System
  • Internet applications and performances
  • Internet Services and Applications
  • Internet Technologies
  • Services and Applications
  • Inter working architecture and interoperability
  • Knowledge based systems
  • Knowledge management
  • Management information systems
  • Mobile and Wireless Networks
  • Mobile networks and services

Social sciences and arts

  • Knowledge
  • Politics
  • History of Heritage
  • Ethics

Others Subject

  • Scientific and Engineering Research
  • Special Education
  • Mass Communication
  • Food Technology
  • Medical Science
  • Computer Science

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